Saturday, August 18, 2007


Good morning all!

I'm in a good mood because I'm pathetically grateful that it is 11:30 a.m. and the temperature is cool, breezy, and less-than-ninety-degrees. Whew. I don't know about where you are, but it has been DAMN HOT around these parts. The kind of hot where you walk out the front door and actually have the physical sensation of feeling your wrinkles deepen. The kind of hot where your make-up just lets go and slides off your face in sad, slow, defeated rivulets. The kind of hot where, when you come in from it to an air conditioned room, you can think of no better sensation on the planet and are temporarily stupefied by the sheer relief of it.

In short: it's hot down here! Are you hot? I'm HOT! It been so HOT out there! Whew! Did I mention--it's HOT!

Yah, I'm kind of a hot weather whiner. You probably didn't notice.

The S-Man and I had a lovely dinner last night with our friends, Julie and Scott at Max's, one of our favorite local eateries. Afterwards we stopped by Mentor House Gallery where we were lucky enough to find the proprietor home and graciously willing to open her gallery to a few tipsy loiterers. Luckier still, we got a tour of the private living space designed by Paulette Mentor. Oh my gosh. It is truly amazing. Original and imaginative, whimsical and lush, it is no wonder this space has been featured on one of my favorite channels: HGTV.

I personally continue to fall further in love as I work to refine my home office space. And, while I'm sure your average decorator could have come up with this idea while in a coma (and has), I'm loving my little "clothesline" of momentos, recently completed with the addition of an original print by Charlotte Erwin. Yah, it's supposed to be in my window framing project, but dang, how good does it look on my clothesline? I'm toying with the idea of stringing more clothesline and having more art/cards/momentos. I think it looks good, is easy to add to and, I'll just confess, I have an inordinate affection for clothespins which probably can be traced to my childhood when my Mom let me play with them while hanging clothes on the line.
Oop! Got to make a salad this minute...


Charlotte said...

Leave it on the clothespins girl, that's where it goes after it comes outta the water

MCD said...

I love Charlotte's beautiful print.

Suzanne said...

If the artist says it stays on the clothespins? It stays on the clothespins.

(I love it too!)
