Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Ready for School

Chase's laptop came today, and there was much rejoicing. With the first day of fall semester exactly a week away, the timing couldn't be better.

I, of course, was immediately ready to take the computer to some smart computer person, hand it over, and ask them to do whatever needs to be done to it to get it ready for action. Chase, on the other hand, showed up picked up the computer, and was ready to walk out the door with it a few minutes later.

"WAIT!", I said.

"What?", he said.

"Don't we need to do something to it? You know, some sort of technical thing?"

"You just load up the disc , Mom. It's really easy."

So, yah. The computer is gone. I hope it all works out for the best.

In other news, those of you who are aware of my fish problem, might be interested to learn that I now bear not only the psychological scars of sharing my home with the heinous thing, but I now have also experienced physical injury as well. I was walking by the other day when my ankle glanced off one of the many, as it turns out razor sharp, protruding petrified gills. This resulted in a cut so deep that it actually drew blood.
The nightmare continues.

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