Friday, August 03, 2007

Anonymous Smear Job

An alert reader clued me in that, as it happens, our local newspaper, The Paducah Sun, ran an editorial today entitled “Smear Job” in response to Anna Quindlen’s piece, “How Much Jail Time” I commented on and featured in my last post.

The Sun editorial is highly critical of Quindlen’s piece and states, among other things,

Quindlen says pro-lifers have a hidden agenda to imprison women who have abortions; it’s so hidden, in fact, the pro-lifers themselves don’t even know it yet.”

The trouble with that statement is that Quindlen doesn’t say pro-lifers have a hidden agenda to imprison women who have abortions unknowlingly or otherwise. Quite the opposite, in fact.

Again, I encourage you to read the Quindlen piece for yourself. You can find it HERE.


Mary Thorsby said...

I've compared that editorial with Quindlen's column six times now and just cannot believe how widely the editorial writer misses the point and totally misrepresents Quindlen's piece. Talk about a smear job.

MCD said...

Agreed. Did we all read the SAME Quindlen piece??? It appears that the editorial writer for the local newspaper has no clue of Quindlen's actual position. If it weren't such a horrifying misrepresentation, it would be hilarious.

Brenda said...

That makes three of us. It's obvious the writer just skimmed Quindlen's piece, came to his own conclusion about half-way through, and wrote the skewed editorial.