Monday, July 23, 2007

Happy Happy Joy Joy (for now...)

Somebody suggested to me yesterday that I was getting a little too caught up in this blog in talking about everything going on in the world but wasn’t saying much of anything about myself. And isn’t talking about you sort of the point, she asked.

Well, yah.

So, what’s going on with me is that life is extremely good. Maybe that’s why I’m a little afraid to write about it.

Last night I was thinking about just how wonderful it is when your time is your own and you live in a lovely house very near people you care about and your son is in school and you write in your blog every day and everybody is healthy and you go see fantastic movies with your friends and the weather is crazy unseasonably delightfully cool for July and it reminded me of part of the book “Ishmael”.

The part where they discuss how civilization is going gangbusters now but that’s just because we don’t know that this is just that brief, blissful moment that crazy people experience just after they LEAP off a very high cliff—that exhilarating nanosecond just before they start falling, at about a zillion miles an hour, to their inevitable rendezvous with, shall we say, REALITY.

And then I thought no, no, that’s good but not quite it. More ridiculous than that. A better illustration would be my old friend Wile E. Coyote. Remember him? Always chasing the Roadrunner but never quite catching him? (Incidentally, I have to confess now that I was a seriously gullible boob as a tot. I watched Roadrunner because I thought someday, it just stands to reason, Wile E. is really actually going to get the Roadrunner. I thought this. Every Saturday as I ate dried Quisp cereal out of the box and watched. Sort of cringing with dread.)

So, anyway, I’m thinking I’m more like Wile E. Coyote—he runs off the edge of the cliff there is a brief pause (where I am now) and then his body heads for the bottom of the gulch, his neck stretches out, he gives you the ‘holy shit’ look, and then with a twanging sound effect he is gone.

Hey….THAT’S ME! (Clucky Chicken!)

Naturally, this sent me to (wait for it) YouTube.

(Welcome to my world. Won’t you come on in…)

where I found this great Wile E. tribute video. You’ll see the pratfall I describe in there a few times. Just picture my face superimposed over Wile E.’s during those.

1 comment:

MCD said...

I beg to differ. There is no Acme anvil perched precariously above your head. I think you are finally moving toward your destiny! Keep on bloggin'!