Sunday, June 03, 2007


I've talked to alot of people lately who are new to the blogosphere and just beginning to explore the wide, wide world of online publishing. And, to that end, I recently stumbled across this site called "Copywriter", a blog dedicated to helping those who are interested market themselves and their blogs.

I've just begun to scratch the surface of this resource, but I've already gotten some great tips and I've subscribed to the newsletter. The sight is definitely geared toward business marketing, but ultimately, these tips easily translate to promoting a personal blog if that's what you're into.

And, anyway, aren't we all selling ourselves? One way or the other.

1 comment:

Mary Thorsby said...

iList Paducah is interested in knowing about local folks' blogs. If you have one, please email the url to We'll have a look and will likely promote your link!