Sunday, September 02, 2007

Clean Balcony

I took a few shots of the finished balcony just now. It's really hard for me to get a good angle on the whole thing without actually dangling myself from the roof. You would have appreciated these after shots a whole lot more if I'd been brave enough to take photos of the before. Which I wasn't because, like I said, it was a Hot Mess.

The semi trailer you see in the background of the second shot is there only temporarily. And, anyway, we don't have a whole lot of room to complain about semi trailers, do we?

The S-Man and I took in "Curse of the Golden Flower" last night. This is perhaps the most visually stunning movie I have ever seen. Set in the Tang Dynasty (900 years A.D.)in the forbidden city, this film is one jaw dropping scene after another with a totally absorbing plot. View the trailer here. Don't miss this one.


Brenda said...

Looks GREAT!

Suz said...

Oh, that looks lurvely. Nice job!

My balcony is not at all ready for prime time photos. Nope. I'll just look at your pictures for inspiration.

Laura K said...

I figured out where your house is today! (I spotted the semi trailer across the street) ha!

Yes it is almost 3:00 in the morning right now. What???
