Thursday, April 26, 2007

Three Things

First, are these two about the cutest Super Heroes you ever did see or what? I'm thinking when the villanous bad guys see these two coming after them, they'll immediately stop trying to run away and, in Otis-the-Drunk style, just go ahead, lock themselves in the jail and swallow the key.

The magazine looks to be a publication of the Metro Chamber and is a summer vacation guide to the surrounding area. My congratulations to the Chamber on their obviously superior taste in very super girls.


In other news, I was completely riveted by this story in the LA Times today. Mike Penner, sports writer for the newspaper, comes out in his column and annouces his plan to undergo sex reassignment surgery after which he will continue in his position only this time as a woman known as Christine Daniels.

I don't know about you, but when I think "sports writer", I picture a very manly guy in rolled shirtsleeves hunting and pecking away on a manual typewriter chewing on a cigar. And, while I'm sure that's pretty much a stereotype that doesn't hold true anywhere anymore, still, I can only imagine the courage it took for this guy to step up and tell his co-workers about his plan. Wow.

To their credit, it sounds like the LA Times reacted in the best possible way and kudos to them for it. I hope Mike, or actually, Christine, will keep us posted on her progress. I would be fascinated to hear how the transition goes.


Lastly, I've recently been made aware of a groovy new website in our area known as iList Paducah. I've thought for some time that this town was sorely lacking by not having a centralized site for events (can I get a witness, Rhonda?) and even briefly toyed with the idea of doing it myself. I'm glad to see that Nikki May and Mary Thorsby have done such a bang-up job of it. You should sign up THIS minute.

I'm actually planning to work with Nikki to redesign this blog as well as on another exciting project that I hope to be linking to in the near future. It's all very exciting.


Unknown said...

Oh yeah. I do believe we had it all planned out over margaritas and chips. We've got to start acting on our great ideas before they get snatched up by other ingenious folks. First hole-punched copy paper; now this.

Suzanne said...

Yah! No more procrastinating.