Sunday, April 01, 2007

Another Gorgeous Sunday

Today could not be a more perfect spring day.

We awoke some time around nine, and ran into a favorite neighbor, Mark, as we took the dogs out for a morning potty. Mark joined us briefly for coffee and conversation.

After that, we lollygagged on the balconies enjoying the breeze. This put us inevitably into the gardening notion, and so we took ourselves off to Wal-Mart where we stocked up on a few necessities such as my soon-to-be-potted herb garden pictured above. The plants are (from left): Lavender, thyme, sweet basil, and rosemary. Also, I could not resist a small hyacinth. Satan bought two Mexican heather plants to be used in his annual "Kill-a-Mexican-heather Ritual". (He doesn't mean to do it, but it always seems to happen that way).

For lunch, I improvised a very spicey chicken taco conconction cosisting of chicken along with tomatillas, corn, and onions served on very righteous low-carb whole wheat tortillas. If only we had some salsa.

Later, we will go to Mark's for dinner.

If only every day could be a spring Sunday.
Oh, also! In a completely different vein! I have recently embarked on a crusade to get William Sledd who is already a utube phenom, and continues to teeter on the verge of world-wide fashion domination, to make a personal appearance at our local neighborhood festival. William has most recently been featured on the blog of Suze Schwartz, who is editor-at-large of Glamour magazine. Wow!

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