Pictured here is Tallulah strapped into her brand-new very own car seat for the first time ever. It's an Outward Hound booster seat that I initially discovered at Petsmart but would ultimately purchase online from Petco because of a full twenty dollar price differential.
I find myself more and more taking Tallulah along on outings. She's very easy to manage in strange settings--tends to just sit in my lap, lapdog that she is. She's not much trouble in the car except that her preferred riding spot is wedged between the back of my shoulders and the seat, her chin resting on my right shoulder, her body curled around my neck, butt and back legs on my left shoulder. Okay for short jaunts, but ultimately a little awkward, not to mention dangerous should an accident occur. The new seat has a strap that attaches to a three point harness and will prevent Tallulah from turning into a furry missile in the event of a mishap as well as jumping out of the seat in general.
My enthusiasm for Wishful Drinking was premature, as it turns out. The book arrived the same day as the booster seat. It's a slender volume that is, basically, a transcription of what I imagine is Fisher's stage show. There are a few yuks, but personally, I expect a little more from my hardbacks. And Carrie Fisher.
A darling photo! Tallulah looks like a toy puppy.
Had to comment on the Peter Frampton CD...that look, the "Peter Frampton Look", still makes my heart beat a little faster. I'm not even slightly ashamed to say he was my first true Rock Star crush.
The cuteness of that dog is too much for me to handle!!
Another cute overload picture. Awwww.
I got one of the Outward Hound booster seats for Jasper but I think it's a different model, was marked way down at a Petsmart store this spring. I confess to not using it lately but this is the nudge I needed to get it out of the back of the car and installed on the front seat again.
Happy trails!
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