Sunday, January 06, 2008


FurGirl is experiencing, for the first time in recent memory, a living space with rugs and carpet.

It's a very good thing.


Patience-please said...

Sputter... spew... aackkkkk... GOOD for you!!! Never mind any personal turmoil and hardship you have to endure. Look at that FACE! Nothing like being slathered in gratitude.
Got any writing inspiration? I am beating my head bloody on the dread Wall of Nothing. Ugh.

Suzanne said...

You are INCREDIBLY productive! Good heavens, you shouldn't worry. This just means your batteries are low becuause..gee, quality consistent posting, a novel, essays for's no wonder! You need to recharge by setting the writing COMPLETELY aside for a time. Until you're ready again. It won't last long. (I read the Artists Way, you know).
HA! Listen to me. Very good at GIVING advice; not so much the opposite.
Okay, trailing off (finally)...

Brenda said...

Oh, how sweet...FurGirl looks SO content!

Stephanie said...

In case I havent told you already, i love that couch...glad to see you have it.