Friday, October 12, 2007

Gore Watch: The Nobel Prize

He attended Harvard, and wrote his thesis on the impact of television on the presidency. Enlisted in the army and served in Vietnam as an army journalist (despite personal opposition to the war). Played drums in a rock band called "The Wildcats" and included a Beatles medley in his wedding ceremony. Served two terms in the House of Representatives. Authored a bestselling book on the environment, "Earth in the Balance" while serving in the Senate. Was, by Bill Clinton's own admission, the most "powerful Vice President in history" serving the Clinton administration as chief advisor during his two terms as Vice President. Won the 2000 presidential election. Is the subject of an Oscar winning documentary. Won an Emmy. May actually love his wife. Hosted SNL.

And, has now won the Nobel Prize.

Yet, still, he won't run.



Brenda said...

I hope he changes his mind!

Patience-please said...

I *WISH* he would run. Shoot, we already know he can win since he did.
Hey! I just saw you added me to your list o'links! Thanks - that was a delightful surprise. I check here everyday...