It wasn't so long ago, that while getting ready for an outing with my posse (yes, I'm too old for that term but WTF), I whipped out my trusty mascara: Maybelline Great Lash in the pink and green tube.
I still have not lived it down.
You'd have thought I pulled a sanitary napkin and elastic belt set from my make-up bag that day, judging from the way the girls reacted. While I do fancy myself somewhat cutting edge in the product department, it seems I didn't get the memo: MAYBELLINE GREAT LASH IS SO OVER. No, I mean REALLY over. Over as in--A Flock of Seagulls called and they'd like their mascara back--kind of over.
Sheesh. Last I heard? Maybelline Great Lash was the best kept secret of runway make-up artists the world over.
It's just another good example of why a girl's gotta have friends. I mean, I could, to this very day, be applying a totally, embarrassingly outdated product to my very own eyelashes.
It just gives me the shivers every time I think about it.
I'm happy to report that this outrageous wrong has been set right with a Lancome product which, while I can't pick up a tube at Walmart? I have to admit really does work better than Maybelline. Great Lash. In the pink and green tube.
All this is to say if YOU are still making Bette Davis Eyes with the MGL? This may be the offer for you:

From Sephora, 10 travel sized tubes of the latest mascara technology for $35 (according to Seph an $85 value. And judging from the price of mascara these days? They probably aren't lying.) Here's your chance to compare some best selling brands (like Urban Decay and Smashbox) on your very own self. Here's what's included:
0.12 oz Smashbox Bionic Mascara; a 0.10 oz Sephora Atomic Volume Mascara; a 0.11 oz Vincent Longo The Curl Mascara; a 0.10 Tarte Lights, Camera, Lashes 4-in-1 Mascara; a 0.13 oz Too Faced Lash Injection Pin Point Mascara; a 0.10oz Make Up For Ever Smoky Lash Mascara; a .32 oz Urban decay Big Fatty Mascara; a 0.13 oz DuWop Lash Venom Mascara; a 0.13 oz Korres Deep Colour Mascara; and a 0.17 oz Cargo Texas Lash Mascara.
Get it here.
I just have to say that if you're doing makeup on a budget, the product you can skimp on is mascara. SOME of the fancy brands ARE better, but is it worth double or triple or quadruple the price? I dunno. It's not foundation.
NGS: No, it's SO not foundation.
I'm so glad you are posting on this subject now and then, 'cause you are truly giving clues to the beauty-and-fashion clueless (me) here.
I can't remember the last tube of Maybelline Great Lash I've used but it might have happened a time or two in the last decade. But I've found, after modest experimentation, no direct correlation between mascara price (or brand status) and good results on my lashes. I don't like MGL much and would only buy it if there were no other reasonable choices.
My big thing about mascara is to not keep it around too long after it's been opened. A couple of years ago I was having painful eye irritation which developed as the day went on. My doc thought it might be dryness but eye drops didn't clear it all up. Then one morning I had an "Aha" moment, trashed my current tube of mascara, opened a brand new one and used it. And no more eye pain.
Now I keep a brand new unopened tube of mascara on hand so that I can toss my mascara after about 60 days.
PS: The word verfication for this message is "uropsy" - which sounds like a medical procedure. And nothing to do with mascara.
Good luck with the uropsy. I recommend drinking lots of cranberry juice.
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