Saturday, March 31, 2007
Don't let the picture fool you....

Thursday, March 29, 2007
Special Delivery...

Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Grey Matters
Satan and I are SO HOOKED on this show. We're SO HOOKED that, while I linked to the website in my last paragraph? I made certain that I didn't really take in the contents on the index page because, as usual, Satan and I are watching the episodes in DVD time which means we are still a full season behind the rest of the world. I live in fear that I will accidentally learn future plot points.
These are really strong words, but the show is approaching "Thirtysomething" status for me. It isn't there yet, but yes, I'm liking it awfully well. It is so much more than your run of the mill hospital ensemble show, the characters believable (mostly), likeable, relateable. The situations are engrossing and the acting top notch, especially in the come-and-go characters of the patients; the show manages to really excell in those situations, while the regular characters are multi-dimensional and interesting. The on again/off again relationship between the titular character, Meredith Grey (Ellen Pompeo) and Derrick Shepherd (Patrick Dempsey) is incredibly compelling. The show leaves me in a sniveling heap on a regular basis. If you're not into it yet, the back episodes are worth a rental. Trust me.
As for "The Departed". Dare I say...the ending let me down. Still a great movie though, and I do recommend it. "Blood Diamond" is a riveting and brutal movie but SO WORTH SEEING to watch Leonardo DiCaprio, holy toledo, could this guy get any hotter? I don't think so.
Was going to...write more...but getting sleepy now.....
Who knew?
I have some bad news.
Oh yah? What is it?
Well, what is it?
(deep breath)
Okay. I'm a crafter.
You say you're a cracker?
Yah, so what else is new?
But also....I'm a crafter!
I'm a cracker crafter! I made a wreath today.
You say you made a what?
A WREATH. Like you hang on your door?
Dear God.
It was, like, the most fun EVER.
Well, I guess that's it then.
Yah, guess so. Who'd have thunk it?
Not me.
I don't know what came over me.
So...I guess we call the lawyers now?
No. I think you can get an annullment under these circumstances.
Hmmm. Probably so.
Anyway, look ya'll, look at my wreath!
My first one EVER!:

Truly, I am a cracker crafter.
(Hold me?)
Spring Fever

Saturday, March 24, 2007
Does it get any better?
Satan is out of town. Woohoo!
Yesterday, I got a much-needed haircut, then spent the day with four of my favorite people: Mom, Grandmama, Aunt Pitty-Pat, Aunt Mona. I learned all about Arty's chequered past. We ate fudge.
I awoke, all by myself this morning, at nine a.m. This means I slept ten blissfully uninterrupted hours with my sleep-number bed adjusted to my own favorite sleep-number without ridicule (Yes! Satan tries to control MY SLEEP NUMBER. Feel my pain.)
I rolled out of bed and, due to recent miserable exertions on the Bow Flex, felt Less Flabby. I applied tinted moisturizer, threw on some shorts a headband and sunglasses, and headed downstairs to take a beside-herself-with-excitement FurGirl out for her morning constitutional.
We flung open the front door. The sun was shining. The birds were singing. FurGirl sprang off the porch and began wallowing in Satan's newly-planted patches of grass seed from sheer joy.
My neighbor walked over and handed me this:

The photo was, evidently, part of a display at a recent neighborhood birthday party during which many resident's heads were super-imposed on the bodies of famous old Hollywood stars. Ironically, Satan is a W. C. Fields fan and can do a pretty fair imitation. My neighbor and I shared a snicker.
I walked a block and a half over to my friendly neighborhood coffee shop and ordered my favorite coffee concoction (which is, face it, a coffee milkshake) and a toasted bagel and cream cheese.
I strolled back home and logged onto my computer while enjoying my breakfast with FurGirl snoozing at my feet.
I immediately discovered, through an e-mail from Christa, this website. It is the site of a new cosmetics line, supposedly comparable to MAC, where everything, EVERYTHING is (brace yourselves), ONE DOLLAR. This includes brushes and tools such as eyelash curlers, foundation brushes, along with lip gloss, etc. Yes! After nearly hyperventilating from excitement, I did a little shopping. And, while I'm sure the products I'll be receiving won't be standard sized, still! One dollar!
I'm now off to begin readying my porch for the season and moving my plants outdoors.
Tra la!
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Sunday Catch-Up

Saturday, March 17, 2007
Saturday, March 10, 2007
The Pacific (Mostly at Morro Bay)
Friday, March 09, 2007
Thursday, March 08, 2007
Touchdown, CA
The whole time zone thing has thrown me for a loop and it occurs to me I may be suffering from jet lag. We arrived at some point yesterday when it was mid-afternoon here and some other time entirely for me personally. Because our flight from Nashville was extremely early, we arose at the ungodly hour of 2:15 AM. This had the effect of causing us to keep having breakfast over and over and then eventually become completely exhausted with no internal clue has to what time or even what day it was.
Other than repeated breakfasts (which, let's face it, isn't always bad) the trip and both flights were uneventful. We did encounter two separate women with strange hairdos. One had actual hair antlers and the other an up-do so elaborate that I first mistook it for a stuffed animal perched on her head. Sadly, I was unable to get to my camera to document either 'do. I saw a woman at DFW, over Botoxed and obviously well-to-do, carrying a square purse made entirely of clear plastic. I'm now wondering if clear purses are the Next Big Thing and where I can get one.
I am embarassed to report I haven't snapped a single photo yet, mostly due to my jet-lag confusion issues.
That's all going to turn around today, though, as my zone is now working FOR me. Six a.m. felt like mid-morning when I sprang out of bed feeling completely refreshed.
Satan says he is going to take me to Big Sur today! BIG SUR!
More later.
Saturday, March 03, 2007
Forty-Five and Out

The posse (above).
The deputy (above center) and the usual suspects.
Sidenote: I know my photos are kinda dark. But I hate the flash and the unnatural way it makes everyone look ghastly pale. Okay, so we MOSTLY ARE ghastly pale. That's not the point.
Anyway, I'm working on it.
Thursday, March 01, 2007
Say Hello to my Li'l Friend

That's right it's heeeeeere! The elliptical trainer.
Or, as I like to call it, the Franken-trainer.
See how it dominates my family room? See how it is large and undead?
Most importantly, see those two giant platform thingy's at the bottom? Those are where your feet go. And, in case the Jolly Green Giant stops by and feels like a little low impact aerobic workout? Our platforms are big enough to accommodate him, too. (Whew! I worry about these things.)
All I can say is it's darn lucky we paid extra for the model that folds away for easy storage! In fact, in the picture? It's folded up to it's smallest possible size! For easy storage! I can hardly see it! Can you see it?
Really, it's hardly noticeable.
Franken-trainer was delivered yesterday in a box the size of a briefcase that weight 200 pounds. It took poor Satan five hours and every tool in the house to assemble.
Finally, at around 9:15 last night, Satan (very unobtrusively, I barely noticed), rolled Franken-trainer into the family room where I was enjoying my ump-teenth viewing of "The Accidental Tourist".
Well! Here it is!
(sniff) shhhh...this is the part where he's going to see Geena Davis on a Paris street corner!
Yep! This is going to be great for cardio!
(turning to look)
Holy sh**! It's gigantic!
(beginning to scale the side of Franken-trainer)
It's quiet too!
(observing Satan now assuming the position in the foot platforms)
Do you even know how high off the ground you are?
(beginning to Franken-train)
Yep! I can watch TV while I do this!
Your head is, like, eight feet off the ground right about now.
Whew! This is quite a work out!
And if you fall off? You could seriously break a hip.
And you know what that means. If you, you know, break a hip.
I hope you don't think you're leaving that monstrosity there.
(a little winded now)
It folds up.
Does it fold down? Because did I mention? It's REALLY tall.
(Climbing off Franken-trainer.)
(This takes a moment.)
I thought heights bothered you.
(Now crouched behind Franken-trainer.)
I folded it up.
It's folded up? At this time?
Well. That changes everything.