I had some of my BFFs over recently, the core group of which has been getting together in December for years now. We drank wine, we ate food, we did our first ever "art project" a wacky undertaking (my idea, of course), that included snapping a black and white photo of ourselves on my couch, printing that image for each of us, and then cutting out and inserting that image into some wintry landscape photos I had taken a few years ago of a (then) snowy Redwood Forest. There were stickers involved. Also? Snowflakes.
(Did that make any sense? Anyway. It was fun.)
All of this is to explain the photo above taken by Christa (who did an excellent job of covering the event, I might add, my camera stayed on the tripod most the night) of our friend Julie. While the rest of us were carefully cutting out our images, painstakingly inserting them "just so" into the landscape, and pondering our many snowflake and sticker options, Julie cut to the chase. She had her image roughly cut, glued (yes, with a glue stick) to the background photo and a "Shut Up" sticker slapped on there before you could say....well, "shut up".
The photo pretty much says it all. Much hilarity ensued.
I love a good Shut Up Christmas craft.
LOL...that's our Julie!
Uh-oh, I can envision next year's party wherein the project is to write a new xmas carol "It's a ShutUp Christmas". We'll invite the Indigo Girls to help us and then film our wildly drunken rendition of the tune...
"And the more I say shut up to folks at Christmas time....closer I am to fiiiine...yah...."
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