Happy Fourth of July to you! I hope wherever you are you are cool, happy, and enjoying this holiday.
I was pleasantly surprised this morning to find the above flower blooming prettily among my English daisy seedlings. After a little on-line research, I learned the red bloom is most certainly NOT an English daisy. I do think it is a rogue petunia that has seeded itself from points unknown. I am certain neither MisterT or myself bought petunia seeds. A similar vine has sprung up in my sago palm. Must be the wind.
This site was nearly overwhelmed by the four voters who stampeded in to participate in my online poll on renaming MisterT. As expected the result, THUS FAR, is 75%, Satan, 25%, Lucifer. If you are inclined to vote, and my bandwidth holds up, feel free to visit my last post and log your preference. Time is running out!
Update: I'm editing this post to add, HOLY COW, I've received an additional TWO votes since writing earlier. Check it:
ReNaming MisterT
So, tell me, what's a BETTER name for Mister T?
Beelzebub (1)
Lucifer (1)
Mr. Peepers (0)
Sorry, it has to be Satan. (4)
Total Votes: 6
Don't let the voting pass you by!
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