Thursday, August 23, 2007

Inspiration, WS, and a Recipe

I read this fantastic quote yesterday in the September issue of Real Simple and knew I had to share:

Our deepest fear is not that we're inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond all measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn't serve the world.

How's that for a little pick-me-up?

I'd link to the ensuing excellent article entitled, "What are you waiting for?" by Gail Blanke aka "The Motivator" but it is, alas, not available online. I can send you here where many of Gail's other empowering pieces are posted.

In other news, in case you haven't noticed, William Sledd has finally (by choice) busted out of his state of relative local anonymity. First, there was this piece from Mary Thorsby heralding William's cover shot and extensive feature article in a local magazine on newsstands now. Then this morning, I awoke to find a story in today's Paducah Sun (here's hoping that link holds).

On a more personal note, I've just recently begun to take advantage of the Amazon Grocery. My love affair with the Amazon Marketplace has been well documented here, I continue to have a very itchy trigger finger for buying reasonably priced used music and movies. The Grocery, however, I have come to more out of need and frustration over the hit-and-miss availability in this town of organic and (somewhat) more exotic foodstuffs.

My first order was placed after having a complete meltdown at Kroger after filling my cart with all the ingredients for Pad Thai and then finding my favorite brand of Pad Thai sauce randomly unavailable in its usual spot. (For the record, I know I should be making my own sauce, but dang, who wants to buy fish sauce?)

I stomped home in a huff, logged on and ordered an entire case of the sauce which conveniently landed on my doorstep just a few days later.

I was hooked. my unemployed state, I generally do try to control myself somewhat. Most recently, after having a hard time finding brown rice available in any sort of decent quantity even at Sam's, I logged on and ordered this (RiceSelect Royal Blend, Whole Grain Texmati Brown & Red Rice with Pearled Barley & Rye Berries, 32-Ounce Jars (Pack of 4)). One hundred and twenty eight glorious organic ounces of it.

It arrived yesterday and last night I lit some incense, slipped into my Birkenstocks, grabbed my camera, hummed a Joni Mitchell tune to myself and proceeded to cook up a batch of my delicious, satisfying diet friendly, low fat, high fiber Spanish Rice which I'll share with you now. You don't have to wear Birckenstocks while you cook? But it does seriously help to bring out your inner earth mother.

Suzanne's Spanish Brown Rice

2 Tablespoons Olive Oil
1 Chopped Onion
1 Teaspoon Ground Coriander (I use more)
1 Teaspoon Ground Cumin (I use more)
2 Cups Liquid either--chicken or beef broth or 2 cups water and bullion cube
1 Cup Brown Rice or Brown Rice Blend, rinsed and drained
1 Cup of your favorite salsa (the spicier and more exotic the better)

Chopped Fresh Cilantro
Chopped and Salted Avocado
Fat Free or Low Fat Sour Cream

  1. Heat oil in a medium skillet with a lid. Add onion and saute until translucent over medium-low heat. Add the coriander and cumin and saute, stirring constantly for 1 minute.
  2. Add rice blend and saute for a bit, then add liquid (and bullion cube if applicable) and some salt. Bring to a boil stirring constantly. Cover and reduce heat to low (lowest possible setting) for 45 minutes. You may meditate now.
  3. Stir in salsa, and some of your chopped cilantro re-cover and cook, still on very low, for an additional 5-10 minutes.

At this point your dish will look lovely like this:

Serve garnished with cilantro, chopped avocado and sour cream. Enjoy this guilt free, low fat spicy, organic delicious and satisfying one dish meal. You won't eat it all in one setting because this recipe makes A TON. The good news is that it keeps brilliantly in the fridge and makes a wonderful side dish for any meal.


Brenda said...

Looks scrumptious, Bizzy! Any left?

Mary Thorsby said...

MzzzBizzy, thanks for the shout out! And please, you most definitely deserve the credit for discovering William before we all did! You've been blogging about his "hawt" self forever!!!! Aynex, too!!!!