Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Girlin' Up the Guest Room

First, as I predicted, the Paducah Sun printed a correction today on LauraK's URL. You can see it here. Yay!

Secondly, a confession. Ya'll know I broke up with Design Start last Sunday after Sparkle Josh's show was cancelled because his wedding reception design wasn't trashy enough. Well, I accidentally saw the episode that aired Sunday.

I'm bad.

I was glad to see the judges finally...FINALLY eliminate obnoxious designer RobB Mariani although this should have happened much earlier on. This guy was far too annoying to be a real contender for his own show. I will likely watch the remaining episodes, although I won't be doing my recaps like before (take THAT, Design Star!), as I've said from the beginning, it is almost a certainty that Todd Davis will be the winner.

In my own design world, I ran across Tommy Hilfiger bedding on mad crazy sale at Dilliards on a shopping trip with the S-Man this weekend. Anyone who has shopped for bedding of even marginal quality lately can attest to how stupidly expensive this stuff can be. Since, as most of you are aware, Bizzyville HQ is located in the guest room, I am regularly exposed to the really boring sage green bedspread that was on the bed.

"Was" being the operative word in that last sentence.

In an uncharacteristic fit of retail madness, I returned to Dillards w/o the S-Man on Sunday and purchased the set. How was I able to accomplish this sans income from gainful employment, you ask?

I'll put it this way...bedspread regularly $200, a mere $80; pillow shams regularly $40 on sale for $18; bed skirt regularly $50 a steal at $23; horrifying Satan with wild and crazy bedding every time he walks by the guest room? Priceless.

Seriously? I love the stuff. I think it's sort of tropical and definitely on the girly side. I moved the bed on an angle (another no-no in Satanland) and used a screen to mostly cover the exceedingly hideously large electrical box and then added the string of lamp lights (I am obsessed with strings of tiny lights of all descriptions). I'm seriously considering painting that electrical box the same color as the wall since it drives me INSANE that you can still see the ugly top of it peeping over the screen.

Also, the comforter is actually reversible. On the other side are stripes like the ones you see toward the foot of the comforter. So, should I never need to cover up those fabulous flowers? I could. Although, I really don't see that happening.

I've begun working on my framing project using an old window salvaged from the house during the renovation. I scraped and cleaned the glass last night and am working to get over the fact that the ancient glass has pits and imperfections in places. Which is good. Intellectually I know this adds to the overall charm of the aged look? I mean, you can't go out and buy aged glass. Or you can't buy it at WalMart, anyway. But, in fact, I have a problem when things aren't JUST SO.

I'm working on it.


Nikki D. May said...

Instead of painting the electrical box... you should buy some art to hang in front of it!

Suzanne said...

For some reason the word ENCAUSTIC springs to mind...

Suz said...

Oooohhh, you're doing fun stuff. Cool. Definitely girly.

I say paint the electrical box, get some new art anyway and hang it somewhere more accessible than way up high in that corner where the box is.

Will we get to see the result of the framing project?

Suzanne said...

The framing project is coming along! I will post photos of the finished product for sure!