Thursday, December 29, 2005

Mix Masters

Well, you know what I always say. There's no stopping two girls armed with excellent taste, a goodly supply of wine, and a cheeseball. And tonight was no exception. My fellow music-o-phile (is that a word?) Christa and I got together for food, fun and a little light mixing. The resulting CD is something we plan to copy and distribute to family and friends in lieu of Christmas cards.

That's right, just another of our little Holiday Projects.

I'm listening to the resulting mix CD is I type this entry and, people, it's groovin', not to mention eclectic. We didn't limit ourselves except that we should only contribute cuts from the CD's that are so wonderful they seem to have taken up permanent residence in our usual CD rotations throughout the year. There's some really old stuff, some ultra new stuff. We took turns contributing cuts and you'll just have to guess which are whose. More than likely, if you're a regular reader and I know who you are, you are already on the mailing list to receive the "'06 Mix" as I've taken to calling it. If I don't know you or your mailing address, please e-mail me at and you too can enjoy a copy with our compliments. I expect we'll have them burnt and in the mail within the week just because we love you.

In other news, just to bring ya’ll up to speed, I still have my bangs, and I’m still living in Satan’s house and married to Satan despite his protestations about the state of my bangs and threats of eviction due to said banging. I did not receive a large suitcase for Christmas.

HOWEVER, that’s not to say Satan is taking this bang thing sitting down. No siree. Satan’s New Strategy is to ceaselessly and relentlessly point out bang-free women to me. Yes, people, it is searingly effective.

For example (as we’re watching TV):

(referring to beautiful model type in a commercial) See, now THERE’S a woman without bangs. Oh, yah, SHE SURE IS UGLY.

Um, hello? That woman is a supermodel.

(not pausing for a breath) Oh, YAH, she looks SO BAD without bangs. JUST PLAIN UGLY, you might say.

With a face like that, she’d look okay without hair.

OH, NO! Wouldn’t want THAT hair-do WOULD WE?

Okay, let me explain this to you, that woman has a whole different face, body type and ethnicity than me…

Yep, can’t imagine why that woman wouldn’t want her a nice SET OF BANGS.

She looks totally different than me. This matters.

(looking at me as if, after this exchange, his opinion is now somehow irrefutable) God-a’mighty, woman, what is WRONG WITH YOU?

Oh, I don't know. Let's see. I married Satan and he needs therapy?

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