Tuesday, December 06, 2005

15 Things

I've seen this "me-me" or "meta" or whatever it's called tackled by several other journallers. And, while I usually am not inspired by these things, I found this one to be an exception. Here's mine:

Fifteen Things about Books

1. Aside from my Mom reading me a bedtime story, my first memory about books is one of visiting my local public library as a VERY young pre-schooler.

I can remember becoming fascinated by one particularly large particularly heavy (heavy at least to me at the time) leather bound children’s book and wondering WHAT IN THE WORLD it was about and what the words said. The words seemed like a magic code that I just couldn't break. For what seemed like years, but was probably months, I visited The Book and wondered what was inside. What was the story? Which leads me to my next point…

2. My Mom says that, upon coming home after the first day of kindergarten when she asked me how it went, I sighed and told her in an exasperated tone, “We didn’t even learn to READ today.”

3. In case you can't tell, books went on to become a huge part of my childhood. "Anne of Green Gables", The “Little House” series, GWTW, The “Mary Poppins” books, "Wizard of Oz" (I was flabbergasted to discover a book preceded the movie), "Jane Eyre", "Charlotte's Web", "Little Women" to name a few. Most all of these I read more than once. "Gone w/the Wind" in particular became almost a mantra for me. I can remember reading the last word, and then flipping back to page one and beginning again immediately. As for "Charlotte's Web", I was in shock for DAYS after she died. No, seriously, DAYS.

4. I read "Helter Skelter" at much too young an age. Scared the be-jeezus right outta me.

5. I know it's cliche, but, ohmygosh, "Catcher in the Rye". "The Great Gatsby".

6. I actually prefer to read a library, borrowed, or used book. I love knowing that I'm not the first to drink in the words and won't be the last.

7. Like alot of people, I spent a chunk of the 1970's and a good portion of the early 1980's waiting for the next Stephen King book to come out. My love for King began when my cousin, Cindy, read "Carrie" aloud to me one lazy summer at my Grandmother's house.

8. Apologies to the locally owned bookstore, and I know it's wrong, but Amazon is just about the best thing to happen to the book since the printing press.

9. My name came from the book, "Song of Years" by Bess Streeter Aldrich. I have an antique copy of the book and love that and many others by Bess.

10. Dr. Seuss is my favorite poet. My son once spontaneously recited "Green Eggs and Ham" in the waiting room of the pediatrician's office (he was about four). It was about the cutest damn thing you ever did see.

11. I might as well admit it, I love a good true crime novel. Ann Rule rulz. "Fatal Vision" got me started back in the day. It is a fascinating and chilling read .

12. You can almost always find a book on CD in the player in my car. Right now it's "Atonement" by Ian McEwan. (Satan says it is incorrect for me to say I've "read" a book that I "listened" to. I say balderdash.)

13. There are, I'd say, upwards of 300 books in bookcases and otherwise in my house. Satan's vehicle is currently crammed with additional boxes of books that need to be housed (from the dreaded storage shed).

14. The book currently on my night stand is Carlos Castenada's "The Teachings of Don Juan: A Yaqui Way of Knowledge". I came to the startling realization last night that Castenada achieved a PhD by dropping acid. Like, wow man.

15. "Ishmael" by Daniel Quinn blew my mind. Satan recommended it and I found it so fascinating that I read it in a single setting. And on a work night, too. I'm the proud owner of an autographed copy. Now, if I could just FIND the damn thing.

Okay, I now tag Semi...will this get you started? (Behold my [2nd, mind you] LINK...Walter Brennan indeed!)

1 comment:

Curt said...


You wrote:"Ishmael" by Daniel Quinn blew my mind. Satan recommended it and I found it so fascinating that I read it in a single setting. And on a work night, too. I'm the proud owner of an autographed copy. Now, if I could just FIND the damn thing."

I'm a big Ishmael fan. And if you're ever interested in seeking out "like-minded" Ishmael readers, please feel free to visit IshCon. www.ishcon.org

Take care,
