Wednesday, July 11, 2007

You like me! You really like me!

Check it out, I've been tagged as a "Rockin' Girl Blogger" by Suz of Suz at Large! What a fabulous gift to be waiting for a droopy blogger girl covered in trail dust after a long, hard flight from Denver and then a long, hard drive from the NashVegas airport! Thanks, Suz and back atcha!

The award originates here at at Roberta Ferguson's blog and has spread like wildfire in the blogosphere.

Part B of being a Rockin' Girl Blogger is (!!) that I get to pass the award along to five other Blogger girls that I consider worthy of the Rockin' award!

So, here goes, in no particular order:
One Kentucky Writer. As I've been known to tell this blogger in frequent real life telephone conversations, "That's not a blog post, that's LIT-RAH-CHA!" Though a new blogger, Brenda has already distinguished herself as More Than a Blogger with her three deeply felt freshman posts. (And I'm not just saying that.). Rock on, One Kentucky Writer.
Namaste what?! ChristaD's eclectic blog never fails to pique my interest. Everything from religion to Top Chef and always with the great quotes. Currently featured: "They always say that time changes things, but you really just change them yourself." --Andy Warhol . Ain't it the truth. Rock on, Namaste what?!
the official blog of iList Paducah. Mary Thorsby says she's never blogged before, and I continue to find that hard to believe. This is a girl who knows how to milk a gag (duck soup, anyone?). This blog hit the ground running and has yet to come in for a pit stop. And, in her spare time, Mary co-manages iList Paducah, our go-to site for local events. Rock on, iList Blog!
Internet Grapes. I've been reading Jessamyn for as long as I've been reading blogs and, trust me, that's saying something. Jessamyn's writing is fearless, personal, and moving and I always admire her willingness to open up and really share her life with her readers. An added bonus: she is an amazing photographer; Jessamyn's shots of her daughter are really something special. Rock on, Internet Grapes!
Go Fug Yourself. Heather and Jessica, collectively known and The Fug Girls, have saved me (and gazillions of others) from many a dark, and dreary day with writing so fiendishly hilarious, so cattily cutting, so wittily wicked, that more than once I've found myself helplessly snorting Diet Coke out my nose. Thanks for the yuks, guys, I seriously needed them. Rock on, Go Fug Yourself!


Brenda said...

I am honored, Bizzy!

MCD said...

Thank you, thank you!!!!! Thank you for the kind words and thank you for your inspiring blog!

Jessamyn said...

Thank you, Bizzy!