Still not many words. It does not escape me that I've stopped writing and started decorating. Slathering on rich, satisfying paint color and obsessing about shapes and scale and placement and lamps. Apparently, I need a creative outlet of one kind or another. There is something so hugely satisfying about putting my stamp on a space in a big way. It is, in some deeply fundamental way, a HUGE RELIEF (??). The charcoal paint color is something I've been dreaming about for years. The turquoise is a color that has called to me my entire life. Most recently in my travels. The waters of Key West are turquoise; to me it is the color of the Caribbean. Many of many of the pools and lakes of Yellowstone are turquoise. I've always been opposed to blue painted walls but...turquoise. Turquoise is something else entirely.

Hemingway's Pool

In fact, turquoise, it just so happens, is the Pantone Color of the Year. I ask you, who knows color like Pantone? (And well, obviously of course, me.) Nobody, that's who. Here's what Pantone has to say about this luscious hue:

Combining the serene qualities of blue and the invigorating aspects of green, Turquoise evokes thoughts of soothing, tropical waters and a languorous, effective escape from the everyday troubles of the world, while at the same time restoring our sense of wellbeing. “In many cultures, Turquoise occupies a very special position in the world of color,” explains Leatrice Eiseman, executive director of the Pantone Color Institute®. “It is believed to be a protective talisman, a color of deep compassion and healing, and a color of faith and truth, inspired by water and sky. Through years of color word-association studies, we also find that Turquoise represents an escape to many – taking them to a tropical paradise that is pleasant and inviting, even if only a fantasy.”

Whether envisioned as a tranquil ocean surrounding a tropical island or a protective stone warding off evil spirits, Turquoise is a color that most people respond to positively. It is universally flattering, has appeal for men and women, and translates easily to fashion and interiors. With both warm and cool undertones, Turquoise pairs nicely with any other color in the spectrum. Turquoise adds a splash of excitement to neutrals and browns, complements reds and pinks, creates a classic maritime look with deep blues, livens up all other greens, and is especially trend-setting with yellow-greens.

Also significant is that turquoise was the official color of my paternal Grandmother's 90th birthday not too long ago. This grandmother has come to be referred to by me as Micro Minnie the Pocket Grandma--she's small but she's mighty. Here's her cake:

And here's Micro-Minnie herself flanked at her party by several of my cousins and their dad and their kids. NOTE! Turquoise dress (of course):

Clearly, I come by the love of turquoise honestly. I've also lately become addicted to and inspired by checking out House of Turquoise every day. What about you? Is there a color that inspires you? One that you are repeatedly drawn to? One that you have A History with? What is it?
I assure you, you should surround yourself with it. At least a little bit.